Edit Before You Edit

Realtime Cue Creation

Make multicam decisions in real time, on the fly, with CueSnap, then send an XML file to your computer after the show is done. Beyond traditional camera selects, CueSnap gives you the freedom to switch as you shoot, with the confidence to deliver perfection from the editing room. By utilizing features simply unavailable to the strictly live feed, CueSnap changes the game.

5 Sec Back Button,
Move the last event five seconds in the past to ensure you never miss a single action.

Gotcha! Cue
Create markers in your NLE sequence, pinpointing the convention’s dropped mic or big reveal.

UNDO Button
Undo your last select completely; all before even opening your edit program.

Shoot, edit, deliver, in a snap! Same day, even same hour, with CueSnap.

Both Adobe Premiere and Apple Final Cut Pro XML files are created for each session.

Works with FCPX 10.4 (not earlier versions)

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The image is not a real setup, CueSnap does not come with monitors or controls tally lights.

Works with smart phones or tablets.

Get to Know CueSnap

CueSnap Multicam Training

CueSnap Multicam in Adobe Premiere

CueSnap “Edit Backwards”

Contact CueSnap

CueSnap Initial Syncing

CueSnap Multicam in FCPX

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Getting Started

New Project Files

New Project

Begin your new project by naming it, saving it. Then with the pop of a flash or a start tone (or both!) your multisource project begins. From cameras to PowerPoints to simple black, CueSnap keeps your sources in NLE sync, ready for final tweak to taste in the editing room. Minutes instead of hours to delivery.

CueSnap Files

CueSnap Files

CueSnap’s file container gives you easy access to all things CueSnap. Keep your routine shooting cues and venues at the ready, with no need to redefine project parameters each time; just rename and go. And all final CueSnap data lands here following each session. Push of a button and it’s emailed to your edit system.

Define Files

Define Cues

Delineate your own, custom cues: From opening joke to closing song, define any and all cues your production needs before the cameras roll. Then, as each happens live, trigger the cue event in ‘My Cues’. Each custom marker subsequently appears on your NLE timeline, saving hours of jog and shuttle in the editing room.

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For more information, chris@cuesnap.com